The Change Makers' Coach

By understanding and creating new ways of interacting with ourselves and others we have a positive impact on the world

When we thrive, our relationships thrive, and our communities thrive.

We thrive on connection and our lives are lived in multiple relationships: with our loved ones, with colleagues, with our communities and, perhaps most importantly, with ourselves. The strength of these relationships can have a powerful and lasting impact on the quality of our lives.  

Relationships are essential and beautiful, but they can also be tricky. Whether it’s with your partner, best friend, boss or even yourself, there can be times of tension and times that you may struggle to make sense of the dynamic. This can lead to feeling stuck in patterns of behaviour that you know aren’t helpful.

But it doesn’t have to be this way – and working with me can change it.  

There’s a great deal of power in acknowledging that things can be different and that we don’t have to be stuck in familiar patterns and behaviours. How we react and manage our interactions can change. 

 With each shift we make in our thinking and behaviour – no matter how small – we gain momentum. The feeling of hope that we experience when we know things can be different spurs us on and, though the tunnel to the other side may sometimes feel dark and long, it’s my job to make sure that we get there together.  

different hands on a tree